In 2002, my son was diagnosed with a life-threatening food allergy. I walked out of the doctor’s office that day emotionally overloaded. My primary thought was that my son’s life literally and totally depended on me and I had no idea how to make the world safe for him. I immediately immersed myself into the world of food allergies. And so began my journey of becoming an expert in doing everything it took to keep my son safe and away from the foods he could not eat. Since my son’s first diagnosis, he has developed additional food allergies. Through awareness, education, and personal experiences (stumbling blocks and all), I have mastered how to manage a “normal” life with food allergies with confidence for my son and our family.
Before I knew it, I was guiding others to do the same for their children and families. I am a Certified Food Allergy Coach and I will assist you to stop struggling and feeling limited by food allergies. I never want anyone to feel as overwhelmed and alone as I did walking out of the doctor’s office that devastating day. As your Food Allergy Coach, I will help you adjust your lifestyle to your food allergies and you will achieve food allergy confidence.